Some of the Benefits of this ‘ancient seed of blessing’ black seeds are:

-Maintaining a healthy heart, nervous system and immune system

-Used for variety of ailments and treatments for stomach, kidney and liver function, respiratory health, the reduction of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

-15 amino acids make up the protein content of Blackseed, including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids obtained only by our diet.

Enjoy a teaspoon daily, straight or diluted, or alternatively apply directly to skin/with a carrier oil.

Buy Now and you will not be disappointed, as there is no lingering taste with this fresh oil and can be easily taken.

It Can be mixed with raw organic honey if you still are not able to take the oil neat.

Nutritional details of Black Seed Oil:

Black Seed or Nigella Sativa is a complete food for our cells and DNA.

It is highly nutritional and its’ oil is even more potent. It contains a valuable source of:

-essential fatty acids (35-38%),

-protein (21%),

-carbohydrates (35%),

-vitamins A, B1, B2, C & niacin.

-minerals including: thiamine, folacin, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc and phosphorus. Some assisting in enzymatic functions.

– 50% antioxidants properties through the phytochemical compound thymoquinone.

The most amazing composition of this blackseed oil also, is that it contains both Monosaccharides (single molecule sugars) and non-starch polysaccharide which is the essential building block of a cell’s DNA. Alongside the minerals that bind the DNA together.

And of course with the 15 amino acids that make up the protein content the building blocks of DNA. And it has 8 of the 9 essential amino acids that we can only obtain through diet as the body cannot make this. This is truly a complete food source and hence was mentioned in many religious texts as a healing for mankind for every disease except for the inevitable.

Further research has shown that its has the component carotene, which is converted to vitamin A by the liver!

As mentioned above the Oil of the raw black seed is very potent 35 % more so.

It is very rich in Linoleic and Linolenic acid the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. These Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids are the essential building blocks of cells as they cannot be made in the body, this black seed oil is a complete nutritious food for every cell of our body, repairing our DNA which some think cannot be a we have to live with what we are given.

We have forgotten that if given the right conditions the body repairs itself, that every 2 years we have a new body due to the new cells being created on a daily basis.

Black Seed is truly a ‘blessed seed’ used for centuries that was found in the tombs in Egypt with the mummies as they used it for beauty and longevity and vitality. It was used in prophetic medicine and said that, “This black cumin is healing for all diseases except death.”

The prophetic medicine in a narration it is mentioned:
Narrated Khalid bin Sad: We went out and Ghalib bin Abjar was accompanying us. He fell ill on the way and when we arrived at Medina he was still sick. Ibn Abi ‘Atiq came to visit him and said to us, “Treat him with black cumin. Take five or seven seeds and crush them (mix the powder with oil) and drop the resulting mixture into both nostrils, for Aisha has narrated to me that she heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, ‘This black cumin is healing for all diseases except As-Sam.’ Aisha said, ‘What is As-Sam?’ He said, ‘Death.

Sahih al-Bukhari 5687
In-book : Book 76, Hadith 10

Black Seed Oil is 30% more potent than the ‘Blessed’ Black seeds or Nigella Sativa on their own hence why people use the Oil over the seeds.
Hence mixing the crushed seeds in the black Seed Oil and applying to nostril is very effective.
Science has only in recent years, found applying a vaccine through the nose is most effective, however this has been a practice for many years and centuries before for natural/herbal medicine as noted in the narration above.